Bear Room –
your safe place during the most unbearable times

Bear Room is your safe place
for stress & anxiety relief

Whenever you feel stressed

Bear Room comes with a series of stress relief exercises, tailored to make you feel better on the spot

When you need a breather

As in literal breather – one of our big focuses is breathing exercises

When you need a moment of peace

We’ve selected the best techniques to help you recover and feel at peace whenever a moment of acute stress happens

When you want to press pause

Bear Room puts you into a safe room, a place we all once been to, somewhere where you can concentrate and spend some me-time

From the comfort of your fort

Bear Room is a door to your safe & comfortable room, where familiar items will help you feel better. We analyze your state of mind and help to choose the practice that will suite you the most at any given moment.

Anything is bearable with Bear Room